Cannabis Sativa effect – stimulating, cerebral and powerful

Cannabis sativa effect - stimulating, cerebral and powerful

When we talk about cannabis, we first need to differentiate between sativa and indica. Cannabis Sativa is considered the forefather of cannabis strains, but today there are more and more hybrids that combine the characteristics of Indica and Sativa. Find out all about the origins, effects and special features of the cannabis sativa plant.

The discovery of Cannabis Sativa L - a journey into the past

Carl von Linné is still regarded as the discoverer of the popular sativa plant. His first scientific treatise on the hemp plant was published in 1753, before which it had never been mentioned. It was he who gave it the name Cannabis Sativa and is still regarded as the namesake today. Incidentally, Cannabis Sativa translates as “useful hemp”.

It was not long before the second genus, the now popular Cannabis Indica varieties, was discovered. Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck, a biologist, came across it while travelling in India. He remembered Linné’s description of the useful plants and realised that there were differences. He decided to give his discovery the name Cannabis Indica, which means “Indian hemp”.

Psychoactive effect of cannabis sativa - only with THC-containing varieties

Whether there is an intense psychoactive effect depends solely on the THC content. In sativa varieties, the cannabinoid binds directly to the CB1 receptors in the brain and influences neurotransmitter activity in the body. This results in feelings such as euphoria, increased drive and an altered consciousness.

In CBD plants with a maximum of 0.2 % THC, the sativa effect is still present, but the high is absent. Only hemp plants from EU industrial hemp seeds may be used to produce legal hemp. They contain no THC or a maximum of 0.2 % and therefore have a more indirect effect. However, the endocannabinoid system also plays a role here. CBD stimulates activity and ensures that the body’s own cannabinoids are utilised more and broken down less quickly.

Indica cannabis varieties also have a psychoactive effect. The difference here is that the effects are slower and more sedative. Indica has mainly relaxing effects and can ensure that users become tired and fall asleep more quickly.

Positive mood - how the sativa strain affects the mind

Cannabis Sativa is described by many users as having a positive influence on mood. Consumption causes euphoria, which can lead to better and more enjoyable coping with everyday life. Working users in particular report that they can work better and more efficiently under the influence of sativa because their drive is increased.

Biochemically, this effect can be explained by the release of dopamine and serotonin. These two messenger substances ensure that anxiety, concerns and worries are reduced. Studies have already shown that cannabis sativa is able to positively influence anxiety disorders. However, this does not only apply to hemp varieties containing THC, but also to cannabis plants with a predominant CBD content.

Physical influence - what cannabis sativa is used for

Cannabis Indica is primarily used for targeted physical relaxation and the treatment of muscular problems. However, sativa plants can also have a relaxing effect, albeit not as strong as Indian hemp. In medicine, a clear effect of sativa cannabis varieties on pain is described. This is because CBD and THC interact with the CB2 receptors of the immune system and ensure that inflammation in the body is minimised. These are frequent triggers for chronic and acute pain, which explains their effectiveness.

Cannabis Indica varieties and their effects - what the natural medicinal plant from India can do

In countries such as India, cannabis indica has long been one of the declared medicinal plants. Over the years, researchers have succeeded in deciphering the major difference between Cannabis Sativa and Indica. While sativa stimulates, indica dampens states of excitement and has a calming effect. The (often weaker) high comes through more slowly in cannabis strains with indica genetics and leads to a deep feeling of relaxation. Socialising takes a back seat, and sativa is the strain of choice here.

Physically, indica has some benefits that are used in the treatment of chronic and acute illnesses. For example, cannabis indica can help to reduce nausea and vomiting that can occur in patients during chemotherapy. If cannabis is prescribed for this indication for medical reasons, it is either a hybrid variety or a primary indica.

Due to its relaxing effect, indica cannabis is also said to have a positive effect on sleep disorders. Anxiety and stress are reduced so that, in combination with the other cannabinoids it contains, a state of carefree relaxation can be created.

Sativa effect also present in CBD cannabis - the amazing effect

When it comes to terms like sativa and indica, most people automatically think of a high. However, THC-containing strains are still banned in many European countries, which is why CBD has moved centre stage. It is usually produced from sativa cannabis, sometimes in combination with ruderal hemp. The latter has the advantage that the plants are more robust and start flowering regardless of the incidence of light.

The effect of CBD cannabis from hemp seeds without THC is weaker, there is no psychoactive influence. Nevertheless, CBD indica and sativa are used by many people to treat physical and mental ailments. The hemp plant contains far more positive ingredients than just THC, which is responsible for the high.

Cannabidiol is the second best-known cannabinoid after THC and researchers from all over the world are currently working on it. However, much of the knowledge to date is primarily based on reports from users who utilise CBD flowers or CBD oil. Almost all legal types of hemp are primarily sativa varieties, and the effects are described as follows:

  • Cannabinoids such as CBD are said to be able to reduce pain even without a “high”.
  • CBD is said to be effective against depression and anxiety.
  • Users rely on CBD when they want to treat inflammation in the body naturally.
  • CBD is also often used in the form of an oil for cats and dogs.
  • Some users rely on CBD to help them fall asleep better in the evening.

Although CBD cannabis is produced without delta 9 tetrahydrocannabinol, the first natural scientists have already been able to prove its strong effectiveness in various areas. Whether it is a sativa/indica hybrid or a pure sativa plant plays a subordinate role. The primary focus of the industrial hemp plant genus is the cannabidiol content. The higher it is, the more intense the effect appears to be.

Conclusion: Cannabis Sativa is considered the all-rounder among hemp varieties

The effect of cannabis sativa depends largely on the CBD and THC content. Legal cannabis without THC is less euphoric and invigorating, but appears to have similar physical effects. One of the differences appears to be that cannabis containing CBD with a maximum of 0.2% THC has fewer side effects. There are no hunger pangs after use and mental clarity is not impaired.