A slight scratchy throat in the evening, the next morning you already have a cold, sore throat and cough. On average, people get colds three times a year, and the immune system plays an important role in this. Due to the growing popularity of natural remedies, many users ask themselves whether CBD can also help with colds.
A cold, a flu or the flu? What do I actually have?
Who’s actually to blame for making you feel so miserable? Although all illnesses with cold symptoms have similar triggers, there are significant differences. Succinctly, an illness of the upper (and lower) respiratory tract is referred to as a flu-like infection. However, there is a big difference between the flu and the common cold.
The classic cold is a virus, usually caused by rhinoviruses or corona viruses (not Covid 19). The real flu, on the other hand, is based on influenza A viruses, which you can even get vaccinated against. For better differentiation, here’s a little symptom check:
The most common symptoms of a cold:
- Sore throat
- Hoarseness
- tiredness
- Constant sneezing
- temperatures up to 38 ° Celsius
The most common symptoms of flu:
- Fever (over 39 ° Celsius)
- Pain in the limbs
- Chills
- headache and dizziness
- extreme exhaustion
The flu generally brings cold symptoms, but they are significantly more severe than those of classic colds. If you have the flu, you belong in bed, but with a cold without a fever, you can continue with your daily routine (slowly).
Important: Avoid exercising during a cold or general infection! Cold and flu viruses can spread in the bloodstream and lead to myocarditis: Therefore, only start exercising again when your symptoms and pain have completely disappeared!
Using CBD for Cold and Flu - How the Popular Home Remedy Can Help
In the cold season, almost everyone is affected by a cold at least once. Even a strong immune system cannot always avoid infections. However, it is able to contribute to the relief of symptoms more quickly. CBD is also said to have exactly this effect. But how is this possible?
To understand this, we need to analyze in more detail how CBD affects humans.
CBD helps with treating inflammation during colds
If you have a cold and suffer from sore throat and other symptoms, mucosal inflammation is the trigger. Some studies have already proven that CBD has anti-inflammatory effects. This suggests that the use of CBD can provide help for an acute infection during the cold season. Conceivably, this would include a reduction in the inflammatory response in the throat and nose. Some users even report that they were able to prevent secondary diseases such as the annoying sinusitis through CBD.
Less pain through CBD - also conceivable for colds:
The pain-relieving effect of hemp is already well-known. An infection of the respiratory tract can lead to limb and headache. Such symptoms affect the overall well-being, so CBD is often used by those affected. Even though sore throat may not be directly relieved by the interruption of pain transmission, CBD could contribute to more well-being. Research results are yet to come. However, it is already known that head pain can be reduced by the use of CBD. This is based on numerous user reports.
Strengthening of the immune system through CBD - fit again faster:
The application of CBD oil is associated with a faster recovery phase for colds. The effect is still unclear and so far, mainly articles dealing with individual immune reactions exist. Much suggests that CBD can mainly improve the immune response to symptoms of colds.
What helps besides CBD in a cold? Home remedies are the focus
One of the most annoying features of colds is that they are not “treatable”. When the mucous membranes are attacked, it takes on average up to 10 days, then the spook is over. To alleviate the discomfort is therefore the main focus and here there are many remedies.
One advantage of home remedies is that the body is not additionally burdened with side effects. Many over-the-counter cold remedies have the disadvantage that they act on the gastrointestinal tract and lead to undesirable sequelae. Here is a small top list of the most popular cold remedies:
- Cannabidiol has a top position and is becoming increasingly popular for colds.
- Valerian and lavender, to prevent a lack of sleep due to a cold.
- Fennel honey, to soothe a troublesome irritating cough.
- Inhalation with chamomile, to reduce inflammation of the nasal mucosa.
- Tea, for a pleasant warming feeling during the illness.
- Sage candies, to soothe the affected mucous membrane of the throat.
Important: Colds usually heal without any consequences. However, if bacteria are involved, a so-called superinfection can occur. Antibiotic therapy is effective against bacteria, so it is advisable to see a doctor.
If you find that the inflammations in your body do not subside with home remedies, please urgently visit your doctor. He or she can prescribe medication to relieve coughing, runny nose, and other bacterial symptoms. In most cases, such complications do not occur in the context of a cold if you rest and strengthen your immune system.
Use CBD for colds correctly - when to start?
CBD oil is already used preventively by many people in winter. Through a strengthened immune system, some colds can be avoided in advance. Viruses then have no chance to spread on the mucous membranes at all.
But even if you are already suffering from a cold and cough and your head is buzzing, it is not too late. How long your cold lasts and how severe the symptoms are depends in part on you.
If you decide to use CBD for possible relief of your symptoms, oil is the most practical dosage form. The so-called full-spectrum or broad-spectrum oil is very popular, as it triggers the entourage effect and thus has a stronger effect. In general, cannabinoids influence the endocannabinoid system of the human body, which in turn has an impact on the immune system.
Dose schedule - this is how you might start as a beginner:
There is no set dosage recommendation for cannabidiol. You will have to experiment a bit to find the right dose for your body. As a rule, beginners start as follows:
- Starting dose of 2 to 3 drops, using a 5% oil.
- Maintenance period of at least 3 days and self-observation.
- Increase the dose by 1 to 2 more drops with renewed self-observation.
- If an effect is felt, the optimal dosage for individual needs has been reached.
Prevent a cold - don't get sick in the first place
A cold is above all one thing: annoying! How great it would be if you could avoid it beforehand. The causes for a weak immune system are varied. When viruses penetrate the nose and throat, the immune system jumps into action. If this fails or the defense is weakened, you become sick.
Many CBD users take a slightly higher dosage in winter to strengthen their defenses against attack from viruses. During the cold season, your nose and other parts of your body come into contact with viruses constantly. Only the strongest defense remains healthy.
CBD is popular as a way of preventing illness but your behavior around others is also important. Wash your hands after every walk, avoid contact with sick people, and pay attention to your diet!
This combination can help you avoid infections even during cold and flu season.
Conclusion: CBD against colds very popular
CBD is not a miracle cure, but is celebrated by numerous users as one. No CBD oil in the world is capable of instantly eliminating a cold. However, high-quality cannabidiol can support you in strengthening your well-being and help you get through the annoying phase of a cold more easily.