CBD cookies: spoil your dog with treats

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Snacks are a highlight for dogs. How about offering your four-legged friend not only delicious dog cookies, but also healthy CBD treats? The properties of hemp are said to have an extremely positive effect on four-legged friends. We have suitable recipes for you on how to make CBD cookies for your dog that he is guaranteed to love!

CBD for dogs - is cannabidiol suitable for four-legged friends?

The hemp plant and CBD have become firmly established in the lives of many people in recent years. CBD oil in particular has become a real trend. Experience has shown that taking CBD can also have benefits for dogs. In particular, pet owners rely on it in situations where the animal is nervous and anxious. CBD also appears to have a positive effect on pain, for example if your dog suffers from osteoarthritis or joint problems.

Cannabidiol works via the endocannabinoid system and this is just as pronounced in dogs as it is in humans. Although you can also give your four-legged friend CBD as an oil, cookies are a dog’s passion. The cannabinoid is much easier to absorb because your dog doesn’t have to ingest an oil.

Make your own CBD dog cookies - simple ingredients for your treats

To prepare simple CBD cookies for dogs, use high-quality, natural ingredients that are good for your four-legged friend:

  • 4 cups rolled oats (crunchy or soft)
  • ½ cup of forest honey
  • 20 to 30 drops of CBD oil for dogs
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup of peanut butter

Bake your own CBD cookies - it's really easy:

  1. Preheat your fan oven to 180 degrees (for top and bottom heat, use 200 degrees).
  2. Mix the honey, egg, peanut butter and rolled oats in a large bowl to form a dough.
  3. Now add the CBD oil and knead it in vigorously.
  4. Roll small balls with your hands and flatten them into cookie shapes.
  5. Place the cookies on the baking tray (line with baking paper beforehand).
  6. Bake the treats for your dog for approx. 15 minutes and then leave them to cool completely.

To preserve the freshness of your home-baked cookies, keep them in a cookie tin. You can then feed them to your dog several times a day as a reward.

Tasty alternative: CBD cookies with potatoes and bacon

Meat always goes down well with dogs, with the following ingredients you can bake delicious CBD cookies that are tasty and healthy:


  • 200 grams of oat bran
  • 2 tsp brewer’s yeast
  • 2 drops of CBD oil for dogs
  • 300 grams of potatoes
  • 100 grams of wheat or spelt flour)
  • 100 grams of lean bacon

And this is how it works:

  1. Boil the potatoes (or use some that are left over from your meal) and then mash them.
  2. Dice the bacon and add it to the potatoes with brewer’s yeast, flour, oat bran and CBD oil.
  3. Knead the mixture into a homogeneous dough.
  4. Spread some flour on the work surface and roll out the dough.
  5. Cut out cookies with slightly larger cutters and bake at 170 degrees for 30 minutes.

Keep the cookies in the fridge due to the meat content and feed them to your dog within a week.

The amount of CBD varies depending on how big your dog is. For smaller dogs, one drop of CBD oil is sufficient, for very large animals with CBD experience, three drops are also permitted.

Delicious CBD cookies with bananas - your dog will love them

The use of bananas has many advantages. On the one hand, the fruit provides a certain sweetness, on the other hand, it contains a lot of potassium. These cookies are great as a reward and as a snack between meals. They contain CBD, so they can also be used therapeutically if required.

The ingredients:

  • 1 tbsp fructose
  • 2 drops of CBD oil
  • 200 grams of spelt flour
  • 500 grams of soft wheat semolina
  • 2 eggs
  • 200 grams banana
  • 4 tbsp sunflower oil
  • 4 tbsp water

And this is how it works:

  1. Mash the banana thoroughly in a bowl with a fork.
  2. Add all the other ingredients and knead into a firm dough.
  3. Sprinkle some wheat semolina on the work surface and roll out the dough.
  4. Cut out different cookies (same size) with the cookie cutter.
  5. Preheat your oven to 160 degrees and bake the cookies for around 30 minutes.

Store the finished cookies in an airtight container in the fridge. They will keep for about a week and should therefore be fed in good time.

CBD cookies for dogs - what they can help with

When a dog is suffering, pet owners ask themselves many questions and want to provide the best possible help. CBD appears to be a way of alleviating various illnesses and ailments in dogs.

Experience and studies show that CBD is one way to reduce the symptoms of arthritis and idiopathic epilepsy in dogs. When using CBD cookies for therapeutic reasons, a higher dose of CBD in the treats may be helpful. Talk to your vet about this, they can give you clear advice on the appropriate dosage.

A study has shown that CBD is able to help with stress and anxiety, isolation and car rides, even when administered once. The CBD formulas above contain cannabidiol in quite low doses. Again, it may make sense to vary the ingredients and ask your vet how high you can dose the CBD.

Another scientific article suggests that CBD can be helpful for inflammatory diseases in dogs. The components of the hemp plant show similar effects in humans and animals. For example, CBD can help to reduce chronic inflammatory diseases or alleviate the symptoms.

Benefits of CBD cookies for dogs

The most commonly used dosage form of CBD is a classic oil. Always use a full-spectrum oil here, as other cannabinoids and terpenes provide positive properties. Dogs are not known to be intolerant to terpenes (cats are), so you can always prepare your treats with full-spectrum oil.

The advantage of cookies for dogs is that other valuable ingredients are processed. Whether potatoes, bananas or oat flakes, they all support your dog’s healthy diet. Always make sure that you not only use a high-quality CBD, but also that all other ingredients are organic. This creates a tasty reward for your dog that he will benefit from.

Another big advantage is that CBD as an oil is more difficult to dose. Depending on the carrier oil, a bitter taste may be noticeable, which does not go down well with dogs. However, if you use CBD as a baking ingredient, the result is a delicious cookie that your dog will love.

Tip: Try out the world of recipes and vary the ingredients. Do you always bake cookies for your four-legged friend anyway? Enrich them with CBD, the cannabidiol fits into almost every recipe.

Conclusion: CBD cookies offer many benefits for dogs

Abwechslungsreiche Zutaten, hochwertiges Bio-CBD und jede Menge Knabberspaß – das bieten die Kekse mit dem bekannten Cannabinoid Ihrem Hund. Je nach Zutaten können Sie natürlich auch selbst davon naschen, denn die meisten Kombinationen sind auch für Sie äußerst schmackhaft.