Delta-9 THC is what is referred to as classic cannabis (weed, marijuana, dope). However, there are other isomers on the market, one of which is Delta-8, a weaker form of THC. Both belong to the cannabinoid family and are naturally present in the hemp plant. While Delta-9-THC is sold in large quantities in countries with legalization, hardly anyone knows its little brother. We want to change that and therefore present both cannabinoids in more detail today.

Delta-9-THC - what is it?
Delta-9-THC is the best known cannabinoid of the hemp plant and is banned in many countries around the world. At a certain level of THC, you will experience a high when consuming it. In countries that have already declared legalization, THC is offered in flower form, as food, liquid for e-cigarettes and much more. In Germany, the government is currently fighting for the legalization of delta-9-THC, experts expect it in 2024. So far, legal consumption in this country is only possible if a doctor issues a prescription for medical cannabis.

This is only possible if all other treatment methods have been exhausted and if there are studies on the effectiveness of THC for the condition at hand. The doctor can then issue an appropriate prescription and THC is dispensed at the pharmacy.
Advantages and disadvantages of THC Delta 9
Probably the biggest disadvantage of Delta 9 THC worth mentioning is its illegality. Tetrahydrocannabinol has not been allowed in Germany to date. Although a release is being worked on, it is not expected to actually be implemented until 2024.
Potential benefits in use may include:
- Reduced anxiety and an increased feeling of happiness
- Optimization of sensory perception
- Increased appetite (an important feature in cases of lack of appetite)
- Increased creativity

The disadvantages include:
- Counterproductive mode of action (panic, increased anxiety)
- Lowered blood pressure
- Excessive psychological effects (sedation, confusion, unhappiness)
There are studies that link the long-term use of THC Delta-9 to the development of psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia and panic disorders.
Applications of Delta-9-THC
The applications of delta-9-THC are diverse, but many people use the substance only in their free time. It is used to induce intoxication and is often used as a substitute or supplement to alcohol. Medically, there are some positive properties attributed to THC. These include:
- Psychological changes: THC is said to have relaxing and anxiety-relieving effects in some people. However, there are also paradoxical reactions that can lead to an increase in anxiety and stress. THC is also said to be able to work against depression by releasing a stronger feeling of happiness.
- Pain relief: THC is officially used for pain relief, provided that the doctor has prescribed the drug. It has already been proven in studies that Delta-9-THC is able to interact with pain receptors and reduce pain.
- Sleep disorders: People with chronic sleep disorders may benefit from the use of Delta-9-THC. However, there are no relevant studies to date. It should be added that some users of THC report that they are able to sleep more poorly as a result of taking it.
- Autoimmune diseases: Whether it’s Hashimoto’s or Crohn’s disease, Delta-9-THC is even covered by health insurance for some autoimmune diseases, as THC’s effects have already been proven. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, Delta 9 is said to be able to lead to relief in chronic diseases, for example.
Delta-8-THC - what is it?
Classic cannabis contains larger amounts of THC Delta-9, but only small amounts of Delta-8, which is extracted from plants and has a strong effect on the endocannabinoid system. Unlike THC, delta-8 is not quite as intoxicating, but is still banned in the EU. Its structure is very similar to that of THC, but there is one major difference. Delta-8 is significantly smaller and brings a lower potency. This ensures that it is less psychoactive, but can still have benefits.
Is Delta-8 CBD/THC allowed in Germany?
We know that CBD can be purchased and used in Germany without any problems. Tetrahydrocannabinol, on the other hand, is prohibited according to the current status. Although Delta-8 is extracted in an almost identical way as THC, there are different legal requirements in different countries. However, this does not apply to the German market! Delta-8 does not belong to any gray area in Germany when it comes to intoxicating values and is therefore also illegal.
In the USA, hard work is already being done on the classification of Delta-8, some states have officially legalized or banned it. In Germany there is a quite clear valid law here! Some other countries equate Delta-8 to THC and ban it. Still others see Delta-8 as a type of CBD and have not banned it yet.
Before buying, it is advisable to check the laws that apply in your own country. A reputable online store will not sell pure Delta-8 products, of course.
Delta-8 is always legal when the maximum amount of THC is 0.2% and below. CBD is always legal in Germany when maximum THC levels of 0.2% have been detected.
Advantages and disadvantages of Delta-8-THC
Delta-8 THC also has advantages and disadvantages. The substance is not yet as well researched as classic THC, which can become a problem. In most cases, it plays only a minor role. It is not found in large quantities in either CBD or THC. The only way to make it available is through targeted extraction.
The advantages of Delta-8 THC are:
- May reduce and calm an overactive immune system (autoimmune disorders)
- Said to be able to improve appetite
- May prevent sensory overstimulation (overstimulation)
- Shall be able to curb inflammatory processes.
The disadvantages of Delta-8-THC include:
- Increased and unintended psychoactive effects (disorientation, sedation, lethargy).
- Anxiety and panic attacks due to use
- Dry mucous membranes (including eyes)
Conclusion: Similarities and differences between THC delta 8 and 9
It turns out that the two substances (cannabinoids) have much in common, but there are also differences. Structurally, both variants are very similar, they are subgroups of THC.
Even though the cannabinoid extracted has a lower psychoactive effect, the beneficial potency remains. In general, the “high” with Delta-8 is never on the same level as with Delta-9. This is precisely one of the advantages seen with Delta-8. It could also be useful for medical applications to develop a product that has less of a negative impact on responsiveness and coordination. Whether the legislation regarding THC-Delta 8 will still change is not yet foreseeable.