What can CBD do? Treat allergies and hay fever naturally

Allergies make life hell for millions of people. Hay fever literally spoils the entire spring season and those affected are “fed up”. There are signs that CBD can help with allergies. Although results from studies are still pending, many allergy sufferers are already expressing positive opinions. We have summarized for you in more detail which allergens this applies to and how cannabidiol can alleviate symptoms.

The development of the allergy - why there are symptoms

While one person develops severe symptoms such as swelling, itching, reduced blood pressure and shortness of breath when eating peanuts, the next person continues to eat them with relish. In practice, an allergy is a malfunction of the body’s immune system. Although the ingested substances pose no danger, the immune system judges them as harmful and reacts accordingly. Histamine production is stimulated, which causes allergy problems and symptoms.

Allergic reactions can vary in intensity. Some sufferers only experience mild symptoms, while others experience life-threatening allergic reactions. Although numerous medications alleviate the reaction of the immune system, these substances have side effects.

Have you ever seen all those people with hay fever in spring who use nasal sprays to reduce the body’s allergic reaction as much as possible? These aids only help in the short term; the treatment of allergies requires immunization. Depending on the severity of the allergy, this is associated with considerable consequences and must be carried out by allergists under protected conditions.

Different allergy types - how people react to allergens

Many people don’t even know that they are allergic to pollen or other triggers. They belong to the late type, whose symptoms do not appear immediately on first contact with the trigger. The body’s T-cells ensure that the typical symptoms appear a long time after exposure to the allergen. In some cases, it takes many years for late-type allergy sufferers to receive their diagnosis.

On the other hand, there is the immediate-type allergy, which occurs immediately upon confrontation with the allergen. IgE antibodies are produced in the body, which lead to a chain reaction. A prime example is insect venom allergy. When bitten, the venom crosses the skin barrier and the allergy sufferer reacts immediately.

A third and fortunately rare variation is type iii allergy. It occurs suddenly and causes severe symptoms. The application and use of cortisone is almost always part of the standard therapy here. An alternative is to avoid exposure. However, as type iii allergy sufferers very often suffer from long-term damage (e.g. organ inflammation), immunization is the most valuable step.

The influence of CBD on allergies - why it can be helpful

Everyday life is often a challenge for allergy sufferers. Even the slightest confrontation of the immune system with allergens causes the eyes to water and the nasal mucosa to swell. Those affected can no longer breathe and have to use medical products with all their side effects. As the need for alternatives is high, CBD is increasingly being used to treat allergies. Although there are no studies on the effectiveness of CBD, the type of effect is a clear indication!

CBD can strengthen the immune system - support for allergies

Whether it’s a pollen allergy or a reaction to animal hair – the immune system suffers significantly in the event of an allergy. Due to its malfunction, it has to react to allergens and fight them as if they were viral or bacterial foreign bodies. It is clear that the body hardly has time to concentrate on other issues during this phase. For this reason, those affected often not only suffer from an allergy, but also become ill more quickly during the hay fever period and are more susceptible to complaints.

We already know that the release of histamine is responsible for allergy symptoms. The body regulates histamine production via the endocannabinoid system. Since we also know that CBD oil can interact with the body’s endocannabinoid receptors, this explains its effectiveness. CBD helps the body to suppress the production of histamine. As a result, it would be possible to reduce the symptoms of allergy sufferers and thus contribute to their well-being.

The use of CBD to reduce skin symptoms

The typical pollen allergy sufferer usually notices their symptoms in connection with the ear, nose and throat system. Effects such as sneezing, runny nose or sore throat are typical. An allergy to food or animal hair often manifests itself differently, with the respiratory tract being affected. This can lead to restricted breathing, irritation of the mucous membranes and ultimately the development of a rash.

CBD is able to act topically via the skin and is already being used successfully for acne, psoriasis and other skin conditions. This is precisely where cannabidiol could also help with allergies. If the symptoms can be reduced through the use of CBD, itching could be alleviated and well-being increased. Studies have already established the effect of CBD on acne. Many users assume that the effects can be directly transferred to the symptoms of an allergy. This still needs to be proven in studies, but the signs point to this.

Ultimately, every type of allergy is primarily caused by inflammatory reactions in the body. The immune system recognizes allergens as invaders and reacts to them as if they were bacteria. This is part of the allergy and a sign that the body is not functioning optimally. It is now considered proven that CBD has an anti-inflammatory effect and this approach could explain the described effect in allergies.

Reducing triggers for allergy symptoms - how CBD helps indirectly

Depression, stress and anxiety contribute to the worsening of allergies. Many sufferers report that they suffer from symptoms particularly in tense situations. If we now assume that CBD (as often described) optimizes one’s own stress tolerance, allergies could be reduced for this reason. The allergy symptoms are not treated directly, but the triggering factors are alleviated. Less stress through CBD = less triggering of the allergy through stress hormones.

Using CBD for allergies - find out the dose yourself

Legitimately manufactured CBD products are legally available in Germany and in many EU countries. However, only items that belong to the premium segment should end up in your shopping cart. It is important that they are grown without the use of herbicides and pesticides, as these can in turn act as allergy triggers.

To date, there are no official dosage recommendations on how to use CBD for pollen allergies or other allergies. Experienced users apply a daily dose once a day and otherwise use CBD as needed.

To avoid side effects, it is important to slowly accustom the body to the correct dose. Initially, one to two drops are sufficient; this dosage can be gradually increased. There is practically no maximum, as CBD is considered to be very well tolerated and each person has an individual tolerance threshold. In order to avoid side effects, it is important and effective to gradually increase the dosage. The body has time to get used to CBD and reacts less strongly with dizziness, reduced blood pressure and nausea.

Conclusion CBD oil could support the immune system in allergies

In a few years’ time, it can be assumed that research will present valid results on the use of CBD for allergies. Until then, users must be guided by the positive experience reports of others. It seems that CBD oil could be a blessing for people during the pollen season. It is important to consult your allergist before using it for the first time. For severe forms of allergy, it may be necessary to carry an emergency kit consisting of an EPI pen, cortisone and antihistamines. CBD is more useful in the long term, but does not help during an acute allergic shock.