CBG? CBD? At first glance it seems like a spelling mistake, but in fact there are many other cannabinoids besides CBD. One of them is cannabigerol/CBG! Already now, people are talking about the “new CBD” in places, but what effects and what potential does CBG have?

CBD or CBG - what's the difference?
CBG is still relatively unknown in cannabis research. What is clear is that it is a chemical compound found in the cannabis plant. There is talk of a precursor, because as the cannabis plant continues to grow and mature, CBG develops into THC or CBD! Among cannabinoids, CBD and THC are the two best known, while cannabigerol is rarely mentioned. Pure CBG oil is not very available on the market, instead classic cannabidiol itself is available in pharmacies.
So the biggest difference is that CBG is only found in the young cannabis plant. As cannabis plants continue to mature, the component of CBG decreases and converts to THC and CBD. Already, cannabigerol is being talked about as having some health benefits that cannabinoids like CBD do not have.
Die Auswirkungen auf das Endocannabinoid-System
Cannabidiol also acts on the human endocannabinoid system. The influences of the cannabinoid are manifold, especially a positive effect on the psyche and on the immune system is described. CBG, on the other hand, interacts primarily with the CB1 and CB2 receptors in the human body. CBD also succeeds in doing this, but the difference is the strength of the effect. It is currently believed that cannabigerol can interact much more intensely with the CB1- receptor, an ability that other cannabinoids lack. CBD, for example, unfolds its potential primarily in the entire endocannabinoid system with a focus on the CB2 receptor!
What effect does cannabigerol have on health?
Even the cannabinoid CBD has been little researched so far. Hemp has long been associated almost exclusively with THC, and there are numerous research results here. Studies on cannabigerol are even worse. Nevertheless, it is already becoming apparent that CBG oil is growing in popularity. The presumed properties suggest an intense benefit to health.
In 2014, Italian scientists researched whether cannabinoids in general and CBG in particular can have an impact on cancer cells. In mouse models, approaches were recognized that CBG is able to inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Research is not yet far enough to draw validated results from this.
This was not the first interesting study on this cannabinoid. For example, as early as 1996, a mouse study found that CBG had a positive effect on the growth of melanoma (black skin cancer). On the skin of the animals, the tumor cells grew significantly slower due to the application of CBG. However, it is not clear whether these properties can also be transferred to humans.
Is CBG the new painkiller?
It is also interesting to hope that cannabigerol could help against pain. This property is also attributed to other cannabinoids, such as CBD and THC. In the case of THC, it has even been proven that the cannabinoid can relieve chronic pain. One of the reasons why it is even legally available on prescription in Germany and many European countries.
Again, most studies on its effects come from experience with mice. Cannabigerolic acid was administered to animals to treat neuropathic pain. There was a reduction in pain symptoms. This suggests that CBG could play a relevant role in the treatment of chronic pain in the future.
Does CBG have a psychoactive effect?
Unlike THC, CBG is not psychoactive. This is a common feature with CBD, because this cannabinoid also has no intoxicating effect. One of the reasons why there is so much research interest is based on this very fact. THC is the best researched of its effects, but even legal substances (medical cannabis) induce a state of intoxication in patients. If it is now possible to bypass this “high feeling” and still produce a positive effect on inflammation, pain and other ailments, this is of course of interest.
The lack of psychoactivity is the reason why CBG is legally available on the market!
Is CBG legal?
We have already indicated it above. CBG is legally available and is not considered a drug. However, whether the pharmacist sells it is questionable. While CBD is already available in supermarkets in some places today, CBG oil seems to be still preparing for its breakthrough. Online trade is clearly more advanced in this respect. Since cannabigerol/CBG is permitted in the EU, it is already being sold by reputable stores on the net.
The decisive factor here is also that the maximum THC content is 0.2%. The same EU regulation also applies to CBD. However, the concentration of CBG itself is not prescribed.
Application of CBG - where is it used?
There is still no conclusive research on what CBG can do. The spectrum of effects is mainly deciphered from reports of satisfied users. CBG/Cannabigerol is used particularly frequently for the following complaints:
- Sleep disorders, difficulty falling asleep, nightmares
- Blemished skin, pimples, acne, rosacea
- Low mood, depression, anxiety
- Reduced appetite, underweight
What other cannabinoids are there besides CBG and CBD?
There are over 100 different cannabinoids in the hemp plant, only a few have been deciphered so far. CBD and THC are the two best known cannabinoids, although THC is (still) banned in most European countries.
CBC is another interesting component of the hemp plant. Cannabichromene, as it is spelled out, does not dock to the endocannabinoid system. Instead, it exerts its effect at the TRPV receptors. These are responsible, among other things, for enabling people to perceive temperatures and changes.
Cannabinol (CBN) is a cannabinoid that forms as a breakdown product of THC. It is only formed by oxidation in heated cannabis. CBN has similarities to CBD in that it interacts predominantly with the CB1 receptor.
Can CBG and CBD be used together?
In the hemp plant, many cannabinoids occur together. Cannabigerol, cannabidiol, cannabinol, cannabichromene – they are all natural substances and can be combined. Classic cannabis also contains other cannabinoids besides THC, but it is not legal in the EU.
The combination CBG/CBD has a great advantage for users, as the entourage effect is triggered in the body. Each cannabinoid has its own unique properties and effects. If cannabidiolic acid and cannabichromene or CBD and CBG are now mixed together, the effectiveness is potentiated. This mutual reinforcement is called the entourage effect in technical language.
What concentration and dosage is best for CBG oil?
In general, CBG oil has few side effects. If the initial dose is high, nausea and dizziness may occur. The CBG content also plays a role. Beginners should choose a low CBG content, experienced users can go for a higher concentration.
As a rule of thumb, starting treatment with CBG should always be done drop by drop. If you rely on CBG for stress, start with one drop. If you notice after a few days that the effect is not yet optimal, increase to two drops. Do not stress about finding the right dosage, because it is individual! If you take too much, you may suffer from nausea, abdominal pain and other (mild) side effects.
What are the advantages of CBG over CBD?
Hemp plants have played an important role in natural medicine for many centuries. Hemp is first of all a useful plant, it plays out its properties through cannabinoids such as CBG and CBD, which are contained in the flower. The advantages of CBG over CBD are not so easy to pin down. There are significant differences, but both cannabinoids have something going for them. It depends a lot on what you want to use CBG/cannabigerol or CBD/cannabidiol for.
Do you suffer from chronic lack of appetite and are looking for something to stimulate your hunger? Then CBG has many benefits for you. On the other hand, if you’re looking for diet support and want to influence your metabolism, CBD may be a better solution.
When you combine the best of the hemp plant, you end up with highly effective compounds that are considered positive. Crucially, CBG oil, as well as other cannabinoids like CBD, CBN and CBC, are not psychoactive and are therefore completely legal!
Conclusion: Cannabigerol not a substitute for CBD – but a supplement.
The properties of CBG are different from the properties of CBD. The cannabis plant harbors more than 100 cannabinoids, each with its own strengths (and weaknesses). CBG oil is not expected to replace the popular CBD oil. Instead, cannabigerol could be an important long-term complement to cannabidiol. The two cannabinoids can be beautifully combined, CBG and CBD oil as a combination can capture a broader spectrum of effects. The popularity of cannabigerol that already exists now clearly indicates that a new trend is in the starting blocks here, and initial research results in humans are eagerly awaited.