The harvest time has arrived, and you look proudly at your yield. Damp and intensely fragrant, the buds lie in front of you, and you know that now the real work begins. Before you can fully enjoy your harvest, it’s important to dry it to make it both durable and enjoyable. The entire process takes […]
CBD Magazine – CBD Info, News & Blog
Hemp tea effect: lowering blood pressure with hemp leaves?
High blood pressure is one of the most dangerous threats to the cardiovascular system. The great pitfall is that high blood pressure often occurs without symptoms and is not detected for many years. If left untreated, there is a risk of consequences for the cardiovascular system, including a heart attack or stroke. The world-famous abbess […]
CBD oil against wrinkles – experience reports and studies in check
Anti-ageing is an important topic for many people, as a youthful and well-groomed appearance is a symbol of beauty. Numerous products promise optimal effects, but fail in terms of effectiveness. Natural skin ageing is a process that cannot be stopped, but it is possible to take optimum care of the skin. Many processes are involved […]
CBD oil expired – do I have to dispose of it now?
The subject of shelf life is of particular interest to those who buy in advance. Sometimes there are cool products on sale and then it’s worth buying a few more bottles. If only it weren’t for the CBD oil shelf life, because expired CBD oil is not always still edible. We’ll tell you how to […]
CBD cookies: spoil your dog with treats
Add Your Heading Text Here Snacks are a highlight for dogs. How about offering your four-legged friend not only delicious dog cookies, but also healthy CBD treats? The properties of hemp are said to have an extremely positive effect on four-legged friends. We have suitable recipes for you on how to make CBD cookies for […]
What can CBD do? Treat allergies and hay fever naturally
Allergies make life hell for millions of people. Hay fever literally spoils the entire spring season and those affected are “fed up”. There are signs that CBD can help with allergies. Although results from studies are still pending, many allergy sufferers are already expressing positive opinions. We have summarized for you in more detail which […]
CBD oil for dogs – experiences against anxiety
If we suffer from anxiety ourselves, we can often deal with it using rational logic. It’s a different story with dogs. If dogs feel fear and anxiety, you can’t achieve anything with words. Depending on your pet’s character, there are different situations in which your four-legged friend is afraid. The experience of many dog owners […]
Miracle cure CBD? Improving sleep disorders with the power of hemp
Around 40% of all adults are affected by sleep disorders at some point in their lives. Sleep is one of the body’s most important ways of recovering and is therefore of great importance for a healthy life. There is currently much evidence that the use of CBD can alleviate sleep problems. Although research is still […]
CBD/THC – difference, appearance and other special features
The terms CBD and THC have one thing in common. They both describe cannabinoids that come from the hemp plant. If you take a look at the raw product, you will realise that there are even more similarities. Visually, a CBD flower cannot be distinguished from delta 9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). We’ll tell you the main […]
Cannabis Sativa effect – stimulating, cerebral and powerful
Cannabis sativa effect – stimulating, cerebral and powerful When we talk about cannabis, we first need to differentiate between sativa and indica. Cannabis Sativa is considered the forefather of cannabis strains, but today there are more and more hybrids that combine the characteristics of Indica and Sativa. Find out all about the origins, effects and […]